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Terms & Conditions



The Laundry Room Midhurst is based in the United Kingdom. The company is owned solely by Charlotte Nicola Carver at our registered office Unit 6 Wyndham Business Park Bepton Road GU29 9RN, United Kingdom. VAT number 408213232 


We aim to provide high service to all our customers and ask you kindly to take note of the following points: 


Dry Cleaning is outsourced to a local company on a collection and delivery agreement if a problem arises we will act with you and on your behalf with them to resolve the problem please note that the company used is of high reputation and has all the necessary insurances and procedures in place. 


Please note that we cannot held responsible for any items left on pockets, if any items are found we will return them to you. This includes items such as pens and other such item that could mark the items permanently. 


Wash Dry Fold - Please note that unless otherwise stated by you we will wash all clothes at 30 degrees separated into light and darks where possible. We cannot take any responsibility for any bleeding of colour between items if new or highly pigmented.


Drying will be on a standard drying setting which meets industry standards. If items within the wash dry fold service need special attention this must be brought to our attention on arrival or by previous arrangement. With the measures mentioned above in place we cannot held be responsible for any shrinkage of items.

We advise all handmade items including curtains to be dry cleaned unless washing instructions attached as shrinkage is likely to occur. 


Linen and all other bedding will be washed and ironed at 40 degrees and dried unless agreed otherwise.


We will always endeavour to remove stains visible when washed but cannot guarantee removal. Buttons will always be returned where possible if dislodged. 


Loss of items- We pride ourselves on taking the greatest of care of your items if any items are lost will be do our best to replace them to a similar standard or’ like for like’ if unavailable. 


Please note that we hold full insurance and public liability. These documents are readily available on request. 


The Laundry Room Midhurst



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